Sunday 25 May 2008

Do the ghosts of our world cross over into this world ? The Dead, the undead, Banshees and spirits ?

The Banshee is most commonly visualised as a female spirit who wails in the night to foretell disaster, either to an individual family or more generally. The tradition is the strongest in Ireland but many places with Celtic survivals have a variant of the Banshee. From most descriptions, the Banshee appears dressed in green, perhaps wearing a grey cloak over her wizened body, with long streaming hair and eyes red from weeping. She is depicted both as a young woman and as a hag. Although often described as above, her most common characteristic is mournful wailing during which she heard but not seen. Many old, long established families had a Banshee who warned of impending death. She would appear in the area around the ancestral house in the middle of the night and cry in mournful lamentation. In this she fulfils the role of other supernatural creatures such as the radiant boy, and the phantom drummer or piper, also portents of death for particular 'noble' families

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